La Eugen Ionescu ma refer, intr-un interviu din 1961 care in final te face sa spui „ar mai fi nevoie macar de un Ionescu si azi”.
Din topul dezvaluirilor transcriu in engleza subitrarii si in ordinea impactului cultural:

I don’t like intellectuals because they don’t really think. They only think they do. But they simply repeat slogans. They succumb to superior slogans.

I am both timid and agressive. I only enjoyed puppet shows: when i started in theatre, i adopted  the style of a puppet show.

Sartre is simply the mirror of his time. What I condemn is his weakness, his yielding. He capitulates to everything.

3 portii de o rara si umana demnitate, spirit critic si inteligenta autentica.

owner, fost redactor Casa Lux; colaborări în presa culturală: Dilema Veche; co-autor al romanului colectiv Rubik

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