Tag: identity

interviu cu dasa drndic

Interview with Daša Drndić: „Masochism can also be entertaining”

Daša Drndić is a very well-known and appreciated Croatian novelist, playwright and literary critic, among other occupations, born in Zagreb in 1946. She studied Philology at Belgrade, then she spent some years teaching in Canada and gained an MA in Theater and Communication as part of the Fulbright Programme. She's a member of the Croatian Writers Society and PEN Croatia and, in the present, she lives in Rijeka, Croatia. Her books - I mention just a few: The Road to Saturday (1982), Leica format (2003), A Feminist Manuscript or a Political Parable: The Plays of Lillian Hellman (2006), Sonnenschein, (2007), April in Berlin (2009) - have been translated in ten languages - English, French, Polish, Hungarian, Slovene, Dutch, Italian, Slovak, Finnish and Macedonian. I hope that we'll enjoy soon enough a Romanian translation. Citeşte tot articolul

interviu cu Jean Mattern

Jean Mattern: „I think that our role in literature, as writers, is to deal with what we cannot forget” (interview)

Jean Mattern is a French writer and editor - he coordinates, at the prestigious publishing house Gallimard, the collections of foreign literature „Du Monde entier” and „Arcades”. In Romania, Polirom publishing house translated two of his books: The Kiraly Baths (2009, collection „The Polirom Library. Prose XXI”, translated by Silviu Lupescu, foreword by Gabriela Adameşteanu) and Milk and Honey (2011, collection „The Polirom Library. Prose XXI”, translated by Anca Băicoianu). He has been several times in Romania, both to launch his volumes and to attend different meetings - for example, in 2011, Jean Mattern was invited to the fourth edition of the International Literature Festival in Bucharest (FILB) and, in 2013, he was at the first edition of the International Festival of Literature and Translation in Iași (FILIT), in both cases as a writer, not as an editor. Citeşte tot articolul

Interview with Andrei Kurkov: ”I decided to be a writer when I found out that writers don’t go to work”

Andrei Kurkov was one of the special guests at the International Festival of Literature and Translation from Iași. Then, I had the opportunity to have a conversation with him, who is one of the best known Ukrainian authors, who mostly writes in Russian. He has so many stories to tell, some of them seem fantastic, and others make a strong impression on you. We spoke about his most recent book translated in Romanian, A matter of death and life, about how he chooses his themes, about writing, being a writer, about spaces, identity, translations and so many more. I invite you to discover all of them in the following lines.  Citeşte tot articolul