Daca tot ne-am apucat povestim deja despre ce se mai scrie interesant pe blogurile de carte de pe la noi, iata si ce chestii fun sau interesante am gasit scotocind prin readere, prin ziare si bloguri din .com sau .co.uk.
In The Guardian, J. K. Rowling vorbeste despre personajul ei preferat din seria Harry Potter.
She caused a scandal when she killed him off at the end of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, but Albus Dumbledore is still the character JK Rowling would most like to have dinner with, the bestselling children’s author has revealed.
Tot in The Guardian, un articol foarte fain in care scriitori de science fiction precum Brian Aldiss, Margaret Atwood, William Gibson, China Mieville sau Kim Stanley Robinson vorbesc despre cartile lor preferate.
Everyone has their touchstone text, but for me it must be Arthur C. Clarke‘s The City and the Stars. (Alastair Reynolds)
Cine are chef sa isi dea cu parerea pe subiect, poate sa incerce aici.
In The Independent gasiti un scurt feature despre faimosul F-word: feminism.
Germaine Greer’s The Female Eunuch appeared in 1970, changing the rules of feminist writing at a stroke. According to the book: “The stereotype is the Eternal Feminine. She is the Sexual Object sought by all men, and by all women. She is of neither sex, for she herself has no sex at all. Her value is solely attested by the demand she excites in others. All she must contribute is her existence. She need achieve nothing, for she is the reward of achievement.”
Jurnalismul literar nu trebuie sa dispara in secolul 21. Motivele le gasiti intr-un articol interesant din LA Times.
Byliner co-founder and editorial director Mark Bryant elaborates: “Fewer magazines are doing it, but where it is, it’s being done well and well-received.” For Bryant, an a-ha moment came when, as editor of Play, he noticed that the stories most viewed online tended to be longer features — exactly what conventional wisdom suggested readers disregard on screen. “People were actually reading them online,” he says. “This is just before tablets. So for all the teeth gnashing, there was clearly a real need, a real desire, for this kind of work.”
Flavorwire ne da o lista de carti minunate despre casnicii nefericite – printre care gasim Anna Karenina, de Tolstoi, sau Portretul unei doamne, de Henry James – dar si The Periodic Table of Storytelling. Ca sa nu ramai niciodata in pana de inspiratie.
In final, din NYTimes aflam ca locuinta lui Normal Mailer e de vanzare. Pentru suma modica de 2.5 milioane de dolari ai putea sa scrii la acelasi birou cu faimosul autor americam. Grabiti-va, sa nu se dea.
2,5 milioane de dolari! Deci nu mai e criza in state, macar atat :))